Chante ryuutai

freelancer artist

I'm a brazilian artist who makes use of different forms of media but focuses on digital works around charater creation and development. I'm also available to work with you or your company! Feel free to reach out to me in the contacts section.


Illustrations of characters created by @MareMarOceano and @SirJellybean03

Illustrations of characters created by @TheGoldieKatz and @MareMarOceano

Illustrations of characters created by @Galxumon and @MareMarOceano

Character design

Character design

Character design

Alternative design of characters

Redesign and reference of character, initial concept by @MareMarOceano


Test of character concept

Ilustration collection

Character design for daily challenge (it was the winner of that day)

Design concept and rpofile illustration for imaginary game concept

Character design, reference and illustrations of personagem for a personal project

Profile icons collection, characters by @Fark_CrazyJester

Character design and profile illustration for imaginary game concept
